Temirbekov A. T. In 1970, after graduating from the Geographical Faculty of the University, he worked as a research intern at the Department of Economic Geography, and since 1972 -as a teacher of the department. In 1972, he entered graduate school at Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov, where in 1977 he defended his dissertation on: "Organization of the territory and typology of agriculture in the foothills of the Tien Shan (north of the Shymkent region)". Since then, he has been working at the Geographical Faculty of the University, the Department of Economic and Social Geography. Over the years, he has worked as an assistant, senior lecturer, associate professor, head of the department, and since 2003- professor at Kaznu. In accordance with the professorial requirements at a high level, scientifically and pedagogically conducts lectures, practical and laboratory classes in the disciplines: "economic, social and political geography of the world", "theory and methodological problems of geography", "Problems of development of the agricultural sector of the economy" and "Land Cadastre". Along with teaching, he is engaged in research work. Under his scientific supervision, 6 (six) graduate students and applicants of the department defended their candidate dissertations. The past 2016-2017 academic year Prof. Under the leadership of A. T. Temirbekov, student Karimova Altynai was awarded the winner of the contest of scientific papers of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan among young scientists and the winner of the contest of scientific papers among university students on the topic "the role of the Astana process in shaping peaceful life in the Syrian Arab Republic". Conducts educational work with students in the process of teaching. Honored among teachers and students of the faculty, deserved their respect.
Educational institution |
Квалификация |
Expiration date |
КазНУ им. аль-Фараби |
Высшее |
1970 |
Name of the scientific degree |
Branch of science |
Graduation Date |
Кандидат |
15/06/1977 |
Name of academic title |
Date of assignment |
ПрофКазНУ |
04/07/2002 |
Prize Name | Date of award |
Знак "Почетный работник образования Республики Казахстан" | 06/10/2009 |
File name |
Headline |
Description |
Introduction to the Economical, Social and Political Geography |
дәріс |
Basics of Agricultural Production |
осн сх произв силлабус 2015-16(2) |
Basics of Agricultural Production |
Basics of Agricultural Production |
лек по осн сх произв (1) |
Agricultural Economics |
силл аграр экон кадастр 3 курс рус 2014 |
Basics of Land Cadastre in Foreign Countries |
диссертация |
Basics of Land Cadastre in Foreign Countries |
силл_Зем_кадастр_в_заруб_странах |
Basics of Land Cadastre in Foreign Countries |
Литература_зем_кад |
Basics of Land Cadastre in Foreign Countries |
Зем_кад_зарубежных стран_статья |
Basics of Land Cadastre in Foreign Countries |
силл_Зем_кадастр_в_заруб_странах |
Basics of Land Cadastre in Foreign Countries |
Зем_кад_зарубежных стран_статья |
Basics of Land Cadastre in Foreign Countries |
Волков_Землеустройство за рубежом |
Theoretical and Methodological Problems of Geography |
Силлабус Теоретич. и методолог проблемы экон. и соц.геогр11 |
Theoretical and Methodological Problems of Geography |
15 |
Theoretical and Methodological Problems of Geography |
16 |
Theoretical and Methodological Problems of Geography |
Географияның теориялық және методологиялық мәселелері к.о |
Theoretical Bases of Social and Economic Geography |
Теори_основ_эко_соц география силл_2017-2018_нов |
Land Cadastre |
земкад 46-60 |
Land Cadastre |
земкад 46-60 |
Land Cadastre |
земкад 46-60 |
Land Cadastre |
земкад 46-60 |
Land Cadastre |
зем кадастр 1-45 |
Land Cadastre |
Миттерм вопрсы 2018 кадастр |
миттерм |
Land Cadastre |
зем кад вопросы экз |
Земельный кадастр экз вопросы |
Theoretical and Methodological Problems of Geography |
экзамен сұрақтары 2018-2019 жж. |
Theoretical and Methodological Problems of Geography |
экзаменационные вопросы |
History and Methodology of Geography Science |
География ғылымдарынын тарихи әдіснамасы |
History and Methodology of Geography Science |
История и методология программа итог.экзамена |
Theoretical and methodological basis of land use regulation |
Теоретико-методологические основы регулирования землепользования. Программа итог.экзамена |
Innovative Methods of Teaching Geography |
Учебник_metodika_obucheniya_geogr_2izd_2019 |
Innovative Methods of Teaching Geography |
Учебник_Методика препод географии |
Innovative Methods of Teaching Geography |
Sborn-TSDO-2016 |
Innovative Methods of Teaching Geography |
Инновационные методы обучения в всышей школе_2015 |
Innovative Methods of Teaching Geography |
Силлабус_7М01505-География_Инновационные методы преподавания географии_көктемгі |
Innovative Methods of Teaching Geography |
Метод_указ_лаб_каз |
Innovative Methods of Teaching Geography |
Метод_указ_семинар_каз |
Innovative Methods of Teaching Geography |
Метод_указ_МӨЖ_каз |
Innovative Methods of Teaching Geography |
2-3 дарис |
Innovative Methods of Teaching Geography |
4-дарис |
Innovative Methods of Teaching Geography |
5-дарис |
Innovative Methods of Teaching Geography |
6-7 дарис |
Innovative Methods of Teaching Geography |
8-дарис |
Innovative Methods of Teaching Geography |
9-10 дарис |
Innovative Methods of Teaching Geography |
11-12 адистер |
Innovative Methods of Teaching Geography |
13-дарис |
Innovative Methods of Teaching Geography |
14-15 дарис |
Innovative Methods of Teaching Geography |
Оқу-әдістемелік қамтамасыз ету картасы_Географияны оқытудағы инновациялық әдістер |